Save Yourself Hundreds of Hours Each Year with Consolidated Enterprise Lead Generation Reporting
As a marketing manager in charge of tens, hundreds or thousands of locations, one of the biggest issues you run into is monthly reporting for your company. It's hard enough to create a report summarizing all activity across the entire organization in a given month, let alone reports for specific regions and individual locations. Just getting a monthly report out the door is a full time job for your two interns and your marketing associate (if you have that luxury).

You're not alone with this problem. It's among the most common problems marketing executives face when providing support to national lead generation programs involving multiple physical locations.
At a minimum, you need to report on the following metrics each month:
- Web Form contacts made
- Phone Calls generated per location
- Click-thrus to external resources
- Other KPI's unique to your business
Crossfuse has a built in reporting capability that allows you to track the most important metrics for your business. Have you ever reported on how many visits you have created for each location? Pay per click advertising performance? Impressions and visits from your store locator software? Until now, this has been a pipe dream for most enterprise marketers. With Crossfuse, it comes out of the box. We even offer many custom API integrations with third party and industry specific systems.
You need to start providing more transparency to your organization and take more credit for the demand that you are generating. There's no longer an excuse for not providing these reports to your constituents. Crossfuse does it all:
- Enterprise level reporting - Consolidated view of all activity generated for all locations
- Regional reporting - How does a specific region or state perform? Give your salespeople the information they need
- Custom group reporting - Combine several locations into a custom group for maximum flexibility
- Individual location reporting - Measure the impact of marketing activity on an individual location
Your boss, regional managers and individual locations will be happy. It's time to learn more about how Crossfuse can bring increased efficiency and enhanced reporting for your organization.